
At work or at play, it's always busy at Pages Creative

Revamped reception

A smart new reception greets visitors to Wales and West Utilities after a floor to ceiling revamp we designed and project managed. The centrepiece is a bespoke desk featuring the signature shape at the heart of their brand, which forms the reason behind the refurb. The reception is the first stage of a wider project we’re leading that’s bringing a slick new look and feel across the Newport HQ.

A helping hand

We are continuing our Christmas tradition of a charitable donation rather than sending gifts and cards. The cost of living crisis means foodbanks are overwhelmed with requests for help, so, this year, we have decided to again donate to our local foodbank in Cheltenham. In their words: “While we may not be able to change the world, we can make a difference”. You could read about their amazing work here.

Tasty teambuilding!

The Pages team got together over a delicious lunch to celebrate the opening of the new deli and cafe on site at our offices in Elkstone ( We are looking forward to hosting our clients in the very near future – we can recommend the croque monsieur to warm the cockles on a cold day!

We’ve moved!

It’s all change here as, after 25 years at Stirling House in central Cheltenham, we have packed up our Apple Macs and moved to a beautiful barn conversion that forms part of new creative studios, near the village of Elkstone, just outside the town – we are looking forward to showing our friends and clients round our wonderful new space – there’s even a deli on the doorstep!

Paws for thought

Our local community came up trumps when we were looking to recycle some of our office furniture. Desks and ergonomic chairs are being used for homeworking, our sofa is a smart addition to a local gym, a garden room has been fully furnished with our chairs and stools – and our old bean bag is now a very comfortable dog bed!

Escape to victory!

The Pages team took on a different sort of lockdown when we tackled an online Prison Break. We had 60 minutes to break out of our cell in HMP Standfast, guided by a ‘live’ helper on site. Happily, our collective brainpower proved enough as we escaped with one minute 17 seconds left – we love a deadline!

Do the right thing

Tempted to pinch that image off a website for your own purposes? Think you’ll get away with it because no-one will notice? Think again. The penalties for infringing copyright law can be expensive, but we’ve found a handy guide – courtesy of UK Press Gazette – that should answer all your copyright questions. Do the right thing: copyright guide

Food for thought

The economic crisis brought about by Covid-19 has seen food banks inundated with requests for help. So, this year, we have decided not to send Christmas cards or gifts, but to donate the equivalent amount to our local foodbank in Cheltenham. You could read about their amazing work here.

Together in T-shirts

We may not have been allowed to rock in the free world during Lockdown 2, but that didn’t stop us joining in the fun on the national Wear Your T-shirt to Work Day. We were all working remotely to keep everyone as safe as possible, but that didn’t mean we couldn’t have fun – or get the work done

Keeping up the comms

It’s reporting season for Wales & West Utilities, and we’ve been busy producing two major reports for their stakeholders. We’re also helping clients adapt to homeworking challenges during the coronavirus pandemic, by adjusting existing channels or creating new ones to continue all-important communications. Many clients are opting for e-newsletters – read about one of ours here.